today in black history

March 09, 2023

Carl T. Rowan is appointed Ambassador to Finland by President John F. Kennedy on this date in 1963.

Handling Adversity

POSTED: September 22, 2009, 4:37 pm

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Imagine your life story, told thus far, on 60 Minutes or some LifeTime segment. How often do you take the opportunity to step out and observe your life, like a cinematic story unfolding, and witness how each choice, adversity, and success weave together to reveal the person you are today?

You may be feeling low or challenged by an adversity and find it difficult to stay positive or understand the point of it all. It helps to remember that all things work for your good. You are here on this planet for a reason with an important story to tell. You are here to affect change in the life of others.

This moment can often seem large and can feel like it will surely break you. It won’t. It doesn’t have to. You can come through it. Know, that this too shall pass. Just like the last time and the time before that. All these, including the good times are life lessons shaping you into a strong resounding life force.

If this struggle is truly unbearable, here are things to consider:
• Be with yourself or what is in front of you. Take time to be by yourself and be with the pain of this season. Roll around in the discomfort. Face your fears. Do not lose your self in loud company and distraction.
• Stay present. Yes, relax and de-stress. Do not inebriate your mind, your heart, and your soul in order to numb the pain and stop feeling. Mourn and grieve loudly if you need to. There is space in the universe to cry out. Pain is life.
• Get some love and support. There is no need to journey alone. Allow a friend to support you, hold you, and give you a shoulder to lean on. Allow yourself to trust and be vulnerable. Allow yourself to learn from someone else.
• Take time for meditation and reflection. Allow your inner voice to speak to you and remind you why you are here. You hold the answers to why and the lessons you are learning. Stop fighting change, death, and transformation. Let it happen. Your inner voice will reveal the plan.

When we all sit to watch your LifeTime story (not like it’s over…), we want to see a life well lived, a life being lived with grace and exuberance.

Sandra A. Daley is a lifestyle/career coach in NYC. If you have questions or comments about living life with exuberance, contact her at or visit her at If you liked this article, you may also enjoy “Delegate”

“It helps to remember that all things work for your good.”

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King

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