today in black history

March 09, 2023

Carl T. Rowan is appointed Ambassador to Finland by President John F. Kennedy on this date in 1963.


POSTED: September 25, 2009, 2:08 am

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Change is good. Change is necessary.

Allow yourself to be fluid like the ocean, giving and receiving life’s unending ebbs and flows. Oftentimes we are resistant to what is placed in front of us. We are never quite ready to move with the challenges of life. Unable to trust that beyond each turn there lies a lesson or the possibility of something more abundant and miraculous than we ever imagined. Change is about faith.

Sometimes change requires you to take action. To do something different than the way you have always been doing it. How do you expect a different result if you keep driving down the same street, walking the same path, like you always do. Change is about you recognizing that you want something better. Change requires a plan of action. Change requires a decision to do something different. Knowing that if left up to your own devices, you will continue to get up on the same side of the bed, the way you’ve done since you were a child.

Change begins with a thought and even in that small thought, perspectives shift. Change requires you to take action if you want big results. Be willing to change, to be uncomfortable for a time.

Change is constant. Change is necessary.

Sandra a. Daley is a lifestyle and career coach in NYC. I f you have a question or comment about change, contact Sandra at or visit her at If you liked this article, you may also enjoy “Inspire”.

Wherever we are, it is but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we do, however well we do it, it is only a preparation to do something else that shall be different. Robert Louis Stevenson

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