today in black history

March 09, 2023

Carl T. Rowan is appointed Ambassador to Finland by President John F. Kennedy on this date in 1963.

Support Independent Black News Media

POSTED: August 27, 2014, 10:00 am

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Whether it has been police brutality, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the election of the nation’s first Black president, has been an independent Black news media voice for 12 years. As we inch toward two decades online we are making plans to enhance our reporting and public policy voice in the media.

Help support our efforts to honor the legacy of Frederick Douglass by making a donation to today. Simply go to the homepage and click on the donate button in the upper right hand corner of the page. Your contribution of $10.00 or more will help us plan for the next phase of our history as we look to provide more video content and reporting on activities in our nation’s capital.

We launched this website with a simple premise: the Black community should have an independent news and public affairs electronic media outlet focused on its issues of concern and a site providing commentary from a uniquely Black perspective. It is why we chose the motto – “Black by Popular Demand.” We celebrate the uniqueness of the African-American and the global African experience, and take pride in focusing on events and issues that other media outlets fail to recognize as important or news worthy.

It is vitally important that independent and Black-owned electronic media exist as the Internet plays a critical role in news gathering and information sharing in our world today. Just as Black newspapers forged the way to expanding democratic participation and economic opportunity for Blacks during the 20th century, online Black news media stands poised to play that role in this millennium. However, to be independent and offer a uniquely Black perspective we need the financial support of the larger community.

In the 12 years of our existence we have never sought private funding, choosing to self-finance our operations over the risk of losing our independent voice. We are turning to our readers to help us maintain our independence and to begin the process of developing an expanded presence on the Internet. Your support will help us fulfill our commitment to the legacy of our hero, Frederick Douglass, who once proclaimed, “It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it is to rob hum of his money.”

Please make your contribution today! Simply go to the homepage, click on the donate button in the top right hand corner and make your contribution of $10.00 or more. We appreciate your support.

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